Race Results w/e 9 May 2021

A slow return to the race reports, apologies for the delay.

Following on from the previous report, I have managed to find the results for the Thames Hare & Hounds Second Sunday 5 on 11 April 2021. Massive congratulations to Charlie Elliot who was first home. Results here

Ashridge Duathlon Standard – 1 May 2021

This race takes place in a beautiful setting in the heart of the Chilterns, those competing have a chance to qualify for the standard duathlon world champs 2022.

Well done to Ben Sutton who was there representing Ful-on Tri

Results here

The All-Nations Triathlon – 8 May 2021

2 of our London League staples braved the beating rain on Saturday morning to take part in the All-Nations Triathlon at Dorney. An early season sprint on a generally fast course (not so sure how fast it would have been last Saturday morning), Gina Siebler and Rob Argyls took part. Rob coming 3rd Vet.

Results here

Short and sweet, well done all.

The race calendar is underway, however this is no small job. In the meantime, please email me with any omissions and upcoming races, and make sure you register with Ful-On tri so that I can find your race results.

