FoT Race Reports

Race Report – June 2021
Welcome to your bumper Race Report for June 2021! Maybe a bit too bumper, as it was a big month for racing, well done to everyone, especially the first timers. May Results Buckinghamshire Duathlon (30 May 2021) A sprint distance duathlon through Wendover woods, with 5k trail runs on either side of a 20km Fast bike […]

Race Report w/e 23 May 2021
Great to see so many members out racing this weekend! A bevy of events were in the calendar this past weekend, including numerous runs, triathlons and even a gravel race. FoT didn’t take part in all, but please do use the calendar to let me know which events you are taking part in. Dorney Triathlon […]

Race Results w/e 16 May 2021
A busy weekend of racing, triathlons, a duathlon and a TT in the mix this weekend. Eton Sprints A decent turnout at the Eton Sprints this weekend, 7 members racing over the 2 days. Saturday saw David Ratcliff, Charlie Muir-Sands and Peter Robinson taking on the course. All doing well, with David just missing out […]

Race Results w/e 9 May 2021
A slow return to the race reports, apologies for the delay. Following on from the previous report, I have managed to find the results for the Thames Hare & Hounds Second Sunday 5 on 11 April 2021. Massive congratulations to Charlie Elliot who was first home. Results here Ashridge Duathlon Standard – 1 May 2021 […]

Race Report W/E 11 April 2021
Step 2 in the easing of lockdown rules has begun! Most excitingly you can now get a haircut and head to the pub, with racing kicking off a couple of weeks ago all we need is the temperature to warm up. Race reports will start going out again as long as there are races ongoing […]

Race Report 08/09/2020
We are back out racing! It’s been a while Ful-on Tri, but the first couple of weekends of racing, in more than 6 months, has produced some amazing results. Well done to all of those back out competing, it certainly looks like the competitive spirit has not been dampened. Some Ironman branded events are resuming […]

Au revoir but not goodbye
Welcome back to your weekly race report… with one small nuance… there are no races to report on. One of the responsibilities of the Ful-on Tri Fixtures Secretary is to write and publish a weekly race report, unfortunately it seems as though this won’t be required for the foreseeable future, and it is with […]

Race Report W/E 22nd March
As I sit watching Boris urge us all to stay indoors, I hope that everyone is keeping safe and well and as far away from each other as possible. We are being a responsible club, and have cancelled all group training sessions, however many of our coaches have stepped up to the challenge by offering […]

Race Report W/E 15th March
Welcome to the latest Ful-on Tri racing news report, and hopefully not the last for the next few weeks. Despite the impending end of civilisation, it was good to see several events had gone ahead at the weekend. Obviously, the news has not all been positive. You will have seen major events moving to postpone, […]

Race Report W/E 8th March
It’s that time of the year again – the London League has arrived once more – and, pending the official LL table, it looks like we put a good first shot across the bows. We also had our first triathlon of 2020, a bevy of long and hilly trail runs, more half-marathon action, an alternative […]

Race Report W/E 1st March & W/E 23rd February
A lot happens when you leave your keyboard alone for a fortnight, not least the sky has nearly turned blue again. We’ve also had two fantastic weekends of racing. For the most part half marathons, they also included more Crit racing and our first TT event of the season. To help share what your race […]

Race Report W/E 16th February
With Dennis hot on the foot of Ciara, who would have thought we’d have any racing this weekend. Well, we did. One mildly intrepid soul on Saturday, and two far more adventurous / foolhardy club member on Sunday – both running. But before we dig into the weekend’s stormy exploits – it appears that […]