Race Results w/e 25th March
Following last weekend’s white out, Ful-on Tri was back out in force this weekend embracing the less abysmal weather. Ursula Hankinson stormed through the Cranleigh 21 with impressive speed as part of her London Marathon prep. Unfortunately there are no photos of this achievement, as head supporter Xavier Faux Pas missed the finish while trying to figure out which cake to buy from the organisers (I think that’s a reasonable excuse).
Slightly further afield, Katie Ferraby took on the Yeovil Half Marathon, while Anna Henderson ran what was a very windy but sunny Half Marathon in Valencia. Well done all!

Anna ahead of the Valencia Half
Looking ahead to next weekend, it looks like a quiet one on the racing front thanks to Easter. There will be the annual club ride to Brighton (details on Facebook), and I fully expect to see fierce egg hunt competitions on my Strava feed. I personally intend to go out for a new cake PB and maybe even a QOCE (Queen of the Chocolate Eggs).